Inevitably corny way to start a blog, I know. But what else can one do? (and that's rhetorical...)
If you haven't read my bio/about me to the side of this blog then I guess I ought to introduce myself. I am a ex-media journalism student (long story as to why I quit that career route) and currently a art and design student specialising in photography. Why have I started blogging you ask? Boredom? Addiction to talking about your daily life? Neither. (well maybe, but shuush...) It was advised at my college that I should attempt to "sell" myself and my work to the public audience, basically to get myself noticed (that and the dozen other students told the exact same thing). So in the past two weeks I have created a dozen or so different ways to stalk me and my portfolio (cough I mean follow, not stalk).
Why title your name as Haus of Gloom and why is your username Jam Gloom? The abbreviated story is that the name Jam stems from my initials and Gloom from my Ruby Gloom faze in Upper School (and no I didn't pick it myself, a friend did and it kinda well stuck, somewhat corny I know). As for Haus of Gloom it's something that popped randomly into my head today, and if I'm honest until all of 2 hours ago I hadn't even considered making a blog today.
So what will "Haus of Gloom" be about? Well I will from time to time post/plague (depending on how you feel) Photography related posts, such as things that inspire me, my own work, tutorials etc. Crafty related projects I am doing and many other unrelated gibberish that might pop into my head that I feel is worth sharing (though inevitably some of that belongs to the land of twitter).
Probably rambled on enough about introductions so I shall clam up and get back to reality, until next time.
Jam of Haus of Gloom
P.S. woohoo stalking links (ahem mean follow, not stalk >>)
(not that I post much on this anymore)
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